
NB.Only one template is proposed here for Old Babylonian andNeo-Assyrian (Cuneiform.dot); the automatic entries arethe same. Since Hittite regularly has other values for the signs,another template (Hittite.dot) contains the insertions based on theHittite values.

Variantsare marked with 'v' or 'vv' after the entry
Assurbanipal:me3 ��me3v��
Ullikummi:mah �� mahv�� mahvv��

For more informations, seeWord Help, or http://support.microsoft.com/kb/207925/en-us

-Template:Cuneiform.dot, Hittite.dot
°MacOSX:ApplicationsfolderMicrosoft Office Templates (or in the folder My templates)
°Windows (XP):C:WindowsDocuments and SettingsUserApplicationDataMicrosoftTemplates (hidden folder by default).
- Choosetemplate viaLibrary projects.

Use of autotext
There is two different waysto proceed:
Cuneiform input method for mac operating system
- Insertionmenu →Automatic Insertion. A rolled list gives the different insertions.
- Keyboard shortcut forautomatic insertion.

To access to the dialog boxfor defining entry of automatic text:
-Insertion menu→automaticinsertion (top of the rolled list)
- orclick on button 'automatic insertion'
- orvia Tools menu →automatic correction

To define a keyboardshortcut for the command automatic insertion:

Cuneiform Input Method For Mac Download

Toolsmenu →Customize keyboard
In the dialog box, selecton the left All the commands
SelectAutomaticInsertion and choose a keyboard shortcut.

To access to the button 'automatic insertion '
Tools menu →Customize toolbar
Drag the button on atoolbar (Standard toolbar for example).

In Nisus Writer Pro,automatic text is linked with a glossary. A glossary, when loaded, isavailable for all documents, whatever template is used. The Cuneiformglossary is a file with cuneiform signs and associated entries. Formore informations, see the NWP guide.
the glossary can beimported via Preferences Quickfix →Importglossary (choose Cuneiform.ngloss).
Use of glossary
enter the text entry
entries are expand in Editmenu →expandglossary entries
glossary entries can alsobe expanded manually with a combination key (D)
you can also choose'Automatic expansion of glossary entries as you type' inPreferences →Quickfix

To add, delete, or modifyglossary entries, open Cuneiform.ngloss and proceed. Each entry mustbe separated by a Glossary entry break (Insert menu). Save the file.



UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles

Cuneiform Input Method For Machinery

Cuneiform Input Method For Mac Os